Labels: google
Labels: google
Britney Wheeled Out on a Gurney!!
J Lo and Marc Anthony going to have their baby per Scientology beliefs
Someone (Miss X) put on weight by one pound (:O!), and no longer has a beach-perfect body. Mrs. Y is leaving the adopted children in her husband's care, and hanging out at parties. Miss Z is going to loose 97% of her inheritance; (unrelated) she is dating A and B, and previously was steady for 'n' number of years with C.
In my opinion, People's magazine is the worst there is, representing this field of work. Unfortunately it is displayed in every store, in the checkout aisle. You cannot but help glance at it and read the bold headlines.
Why does everyone have to know what is going on in Britney's life? And why is it making headline news everyday?
I once read an article which displayed how the picture looked to us (a beautiful Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake lying down on the beach); versus how the it looked to the artists (the ocean view blocked by 30 photographers, flashing away to glory). I don't think I would want to do this to anyone.
So in addition to my New Year resolutions, this year I am going to make a conscious effort to keep such news at bay. Only time will tell if I was with my efforts.
Labels: celebrities, news
Labels: New Year