Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Global Warming

An old friend forwarded this link on global warming - 51 Things we can do to save the Environment. I thought I could:

1. Change my light bulbs
2. Hang up a clothes line (I'll do it indoors, so you can still be my neighbour)
3. Pay your Bills Online
4. Open a window (at least in summer)
5. Cozy up my water heater (if need be)
6. Just (Try to) say No to Plastic bags
7. Support my local farmers
8. Shut off the computer
An alarming fact for techies: A screen saver is not an energy saver.
9. Try to ride with my hubby to work, and car-pool whenever possible
10. Check the tires of my car
11. Finally, Consume Less, Share More, Live simply

Some of the options were a bit unfeasible
1. Ride a bus
Well, I am waiting for our city to get a good public transport system. (I hope I don't sound pompous, but I come from Bombay, and I believe in public transport!)
2. Move to a High-Rise
Again, everyone moving to NY is not the solution.

Like all projects go, it would be good to look back at this list, and determine how many items I could accomplish. Many of our actions are left in thought only, I hope this is not one of those. I will keep you posted!


At 3:17 AM, May 09, 2007, Blogger Maverick said...

Nice list of things we can do. I found the "move to a high rise" far fetched many of us would relocate to new york to save the environment! :)

At 9:41 AM, May 09, 2007, Blogger PH said...

Agreed maverick!

Education regards these things is so important. I wish I knew this things earlier!

At 5:35 PM, July 01, 2007, Blogger RS said...

Tagged to write a book review - :)


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