Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Can you ears surive it?

This could be my first post in a series of upcoming health-related posts.

I often wonder how people can listen to their iPod (or walkman, in older days) for a long time, without pain in their ears. When I passed my 12th standard examination, I bought an Aiwa walkman from all the booty that I received as gift. Despite my enthusiasm, I could never listen to more than three songs at a stretch. I thought it was one of those "it happens only to me" things.

However, TOI reports that 'An hour a day of blaring iPod can make you deaf'. They don't necessarily mean iPod, just the genre of personal music players.

So all you people, who rock away to music through an ear-plug, be careful and take care of your ears!


At 3:25 PM, July 21, 2006, Blogger KB said...

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At 3:27 PM, July 21, 2006, Blogger KB said...

Good find... sometimes listening to music is very refreshing after a long days work and when I have nothing to read on my way back home .. shall keep it less than an hour now :))

At 4:25 PM, July 26, 2006, Blogger PH said...

kb, yeah people hear it for a long time, even while walking and jogging i see them with their iPod.


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