Monday, October 10, 2005

Seven Things ...

Finally completed my task of the “sevens” from RS!

Seven things you plan to do before you die

1. Travel a lot (maybe one city in each continent)
2. Speak fluent Tamil with my in-laws
3. Visit a new place in India, with family, every time I visit India
4. Watch a cricket match in the stadium (I will be really happy if Sachin cracks a century or so in that match)
5. Teach my mom to be computer savvy!
6. Think about the remaining two things (now one!)

Seven things you can do (or am doing or have done!)

1. Play cards
2. Read forever
3. Keep myself updated with Bollywood movies and news
4. Keep myself updated with Hollywood movies and news :)
5. Be honest
6. Make a difference, wherever I go
7. Contribute towards someone's education (not related to me)

Seven things you say most

1. What???
2. Ckk..... (Brat hates that)
3. I think....
4. I forgot..... (Something really important)...... Don't be angry :(
5. Who told you to.....?
6. Awesome! /Cool!
7. What's up?

Seven things you can't do

1. Skiing (I am afraid it might move to a different category that this, like the last 7 things I did before I died :))
2. Be world famous :(, for the right things
3. Sit at home in the evening
4. Dance on stage
5. Listen to strange sounds, similar to the small girl who is possessed by a spirit in "The Exorcist"
6. Eat outside everyday
7. Be a hypocrite!

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex: (not necessarily in this order)

1. Good at sports
2. Sense of humor
3. Sensitivity (Especially towards the women folk :), just kidding! Overall, someone who makes an effort to understand what the other person might be thinking)
4. "The" look ("akhiyon se goli maare" types)
5. The "looks"
6. Easy-going, hassle-free nature
7. Entertaining talks

Seven celebrity crushes

1. Sachin Tendulkar
2. Abhishek Bachan (he has "The" look)
3. Stephan Edberg
4. Goran Ivanesevic (till he played that miserable match against Leander Peas and I saw his lack of competitiveness)
5. John Travolta
6. Jacques Kallis (he might have lost some more hair since, but I think he's really cool)
7. Aamir Khan in Qayamat se Qayamat Tak


At 3:57 PM, October 10, 2005, Blogger Maverick said...

ya i completely understand that you cannot dance in stage :>
BTW, nice dodge in not writing all "seven things you plan to do" :D

At 11:20 PM, October 10, 2005, Blogger Brat said...

tag me along to the cities in differnt continents ...

At 8:59 AM, October 11, 2005, Blogger KB said...

I know u can (cat)walk on stage.. hehe... if not dancing !!! agree with Mav .. on the two missing things u wanna do :))

At 9:57 AM, October 11, 2005, Blogger RS said...

Lot of interesting items in this list :) You know what? We should probably make such a list once every seven years to see what we thought was important to us then and what we achieved/completed out of that list!

At 11:50 AM, October 11, 2005, Blogger PH said...

mav, are you referring to your stage debut at the UK ISA Diwali function? :)

brat, should you have sung "tu jahan jahan chalega ....." instead? btw interesting movie "saaya" have you seen it?

kb, i will put thought into two more things i will like to do before i die .......

rs, i was just thinking of writing a post on this "seven things" post, as to how difficult it was to come up with this list ..........your idea of doing it once in 7 years gives me the "shudders" :)

kb, almost missed your comment on the catwalk ........

For all those who dont know, i once dared to participate in a "fashion show" ........ and the rest is history :)

At 11:54 AM, October 11, 2005, Blogger PH said...

grammatical correction - for my earlier comment

"kb, i will put thought into two more things i would like to do before i die .......

"brat, should you have sung " - doesnt sound good either

At 6:09 AM, October 13, 2005, Blogger Maverick said...

ph: its more like my junglee debut and it went from robotoc to barbaric over the next 2 years!


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